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Autor: Alba Pastor Moreno
(In English)
The main objectives of this research project were:
- To obtain an anesthetic by organic synthesis in the laboratory.
- To use that compound to reduce the beats or mobility of microorganisms.
- To analyze and study if the product obtained is pure or not.
As a results, pure benzocaine were obtained and it was verified using melting point, x-ray diffraction and it was used to induct anesthesia to microorganisms.
It was realized that the objectives have been achieved: it has been synthesized benzocaine, and a sample was induced to paramecium and daphnia and it has been seen how the mobility of paramecium was reduced. The heart rate of daphnia was not disturbed because they are bigger than paramecium and it was used a very diluted dose.
The hypothesis: It is possible to synthesize an anesthetic which reduces the heart rate or the mobility of microorganisms has been verified