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Pindulum: the inverted pendulum

Autor: Clàudia Soler Rafart
While a pendulum is a system which consists of a straight stick or rope with a mass at the end that swings freely, an inverted pendulum is the same but upside-down. This system is very unstable and it is physically impossible to mantain it still. To keep it from falling, though, it is needed to be constantly balancing. The aim of this project is to construct an inverted pindulum which is controlled by an Arduino. The sensor which provided this printed circuit of the pendulum's bar current position was a potentiometer. Through an H-bridge, the information of the response was sent to the motor. The hardware to controll it, although using only forward and backwards direction, was very tough. Consequently, the stability of the pendulum is not as accurate as it should be. The pendulum needs some help at a certain point but, taking into account the difficulty, our results are satisfactory.