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Don't rub your mistakes out. Learn from them.

Autor: Mariona Gastó Jiménez
I think learning from mistakes is really important, so the main objective of my research project was to analyze which the most common mistakes made by students at 4th ESO in my high-school are. I made a theoretical part (where I mainly described learners, language, and the main characteristics of writing), and a practical part (where I analyzed 112 compositions –email, application letter and conditional compositions–, I classified all the mistakes into excel files and I made some statistics). There were 460 grammar mistakes (mostly, verb tenses) within the “email” compositions. The theoretical part has helped me to re-affirm how important it is for students to learn from their mistakes. This project has given me more fluency both in reading and writing. As it is usually said, students should start by listening to what is being said during the lessons, and then they would do a lot fewer!